Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How can i get rid of my scars in my body?

i get it since im a child.can you please give me some advice to me,where can i buy here in philippines a scar remover,it is possible to get rid of my scars in my body?|||scars IN your body? why would that matter? you can%26#039;t see a scar that%26#039;s inside your body...|||I know in the U.S.A. there are several lotions and creams with Cocoa butter that advertise they can help cover up scars or creases. I have even seen products advertising removal of pregnant belly creases. Some fitness trainers advocate building muscle in the area where the scars are. I would suggest looking for products with cocoa butter and Vitamin E in them.|||Yes.. But you have to be faithful in putting on lotion twice a day.. Palmers Cocoa Butter is good.. Anything natural Vitamin E creams or oils, Shea Butter, Coca Butter is good!! If you cant get this go on they have GOOD stuff that really works.. Everything is guaranteed.. I AINT READ THAT CORRECTLY.. IN YOUR BODY???!

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